Friday, May 3, 2019

MR wolf

SO we have been working on creating a story with our imagination by looking at a few pictures here are a few.

The Tsunami

As we started driving my parents told us to go to sleep because it was a long

trip.  As we continued driving I heard waves crashing in. My parents continued

driving while my other family members followed behind us, but for some reason,

we were still driving. I tried to wake up my sisters and brother, they wouldn’t

wake up. All of a sudden I realized waves smashing into us. The waves flooded

the car, all I could feel were my parents pulling us out of the car to get above

water.  Luckily we had something that helped us to breathe. Everyone survived.

We called out to the boats as everyone else did. I saw a huge boat that pulled us

up on to the boat, but I just didn’t understand how they had the breathing masks.

It's like they knew it was going to happen. It felt like a was in a dream until I looked

at the captain, he was just looking ahead. He looked so familiar. I went closer, he

started to look like my grandpa. Until I realised everyone on the ship was dead

except me. I looked at myself, I looked like I had been buried, broke free. So

I just realiszed my eyes were closed the whole time then I opened them, I was

in bed or a cottage, I realiszed I had drowned to death.

Flight club 12/3/2019
Last week my uncle got his driving license for a plane but the problem was he lived far from the house and if we got there the weekends would be over. My parents were packing our clothes like we were going somewhere so I and my brother and two sisters got suspicious so we would follow them around. They drinks clothes and towels and swimming togs. They said we're going to the airport. It was a long drive but we were still discussing what they had been.
When we got there we saw our uncle he took us to this massive plane, we went inside and saw our cousins, we buckled in, went somewhere everybody was talking laughing telling jokes watching movies.  When we got there it looked like Fiji. but colder than I figured out where we were in Hawaii this was the best day ever.

Circle of flames 13/3/2019
Today it started off regularly but the afternoon was horrible so we were playing games like tag cop, robbers we played laughed watched movies. Then your cousins came the oldest was mean but afraid of me because I was stronger one of the neighbors liked the sister  but there was a smelled of smoke the uncle was bad at roasting food then it caught the house we where throwing then we relised we fudged up then we got the fire exhausted but we had none then when my parents came the got the hose hosed the fire and us because my cousin was actually the one who started the fire he was dead so I and everyone got a bucket of ice with water and poured it on him but when we went inside and we figured it was a prank from our parents so we got buckets of ice cold water and poured it on them but the chased us down with the hose and sprayed us but when the walked in the house the was bucket on top of the door this was the best day.  
Mr. Wolf  

One day I was in a horrifying forest it liked a graveyard but no graves. I saw a suspicious  figure it looked like a wolf so I hid behind something so It would not see me but that figure    
Was so ugly, creepy his eyes were like there were just toys his whole body looked like it was filled with cotton but he was skin I thought he was a skeleton, not a wolf, so I went closer until he moved I thought he saw me, instead  he found people It was Nasili, Tupua, Iverson, Solomone it was like it was threatening me to come so I charged him with some of my friends but I felt I knew the wolf it slash my skin the next day my friends parents died I t realize The wolf was really  my one of my friends. So I was one to them

lead them to the forest to take out my dad the wolf.

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