Tuesday, July 2, 2019

100 Word challenge

I sometimes imagine I see this ship peaceful resting in the in the lovely sea when I see it it looks orange with different layers of comfort. I see that beautiful reddish like blood sky just shining at it and the sun is the highlight of the sky but the sea is like the ship bed because it has the is at the top dark orange then light orange like the water is like sand, the ship is just sinking in to it very slowly. I think there were pirates that use to fly around and touch the sky and feel the heat and touch the orange reddish sun but the setting is so brilliant wonderful and lovely, I think the pirates ship could fly around but they would have grown old, so did the ship when the die they could wish they could fly around and touch the sky but there word they would have said, the sky looks as red as fire the water as soft like you were in bed but if  you felt the touch it would feel like you were freezing the water looks as precious as gold but the sky as precious as your life.

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