Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My book report qustions

1. Make a list of facts you learned from the story
2. List the characters and describe them. 
Jafar use to be a thief until he wanted to have more power
 started working for the emperor and tried to get into this
magical because of a genie so he can have
unlimited power. Aldain is a thief with no parents or family
inception abou he always very kind and always
 takes rick and is  very fast strong flexible and smart. 
Jasmin is kind a princess fast learner likeable has confidence
and has a very kind of vicious too bad 
people, tiger.  
3. List five new words you learned in the book. Write down
their dictionary pronunciation and meaning.
Morphed to be transformed. 
Entourage a group of attendants or associates, as of a person
of rank or importance,
Devastating tending or threatening to,
Sentimental expressive of or appealing to sentiment,
especially the tender emotions and feelings, as love,
 pity, or nostalgia: incredulously not credulous; disinclined or
indisposed to believe; sceptical.
 Vizier a high official in certain Muslim countries and
caliphates, especially a minister of state.Compare
4. If your book was a mystery, tell what the mystery was
and how it was solved
5. List ten good words from the book. Put them into a word
6. What problems does one of the characters have, and how
does he or she solve it?
The problem is Aldain is a not a prince but he is in love with
the princess so he found genie
Because he got trapped Jafar then tricks the genie without
using a wishing then they fight Jafar
And take him down. 
7. Where (location) did the story take place?
8. List the places mentioned in the book.
9. What other books has this author written? Google your
author and list 3 stories they have written
‘Sinbad. Book of one thousand and one nights. Plot summary.
10. What is the time period in which the book happens? For
example in the middle ages, Jurassic time period, in the 70’s,
60’s or is it set in the present time - right now? 


If you can find the words our want to know how to make a
words search I leave the link in the comment my word search
was about Aldain.

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