Sunday, January 12, 2020

Summer learning journey activity 3

Would consider doing a 20 or 40 Hour Famine to raise money for charity?
On your blog, tell us whether or not you would participate in 20 or 40 Hour Famine.

I would if it helps other people I would do it for as just to see these brave and amazing people. A actor named Julia Dennison here is some information about hima and his career. Julian Dennison is a very funny guy! He is from Lower Hutt, near Wellington. He is only 17 years old but he has already starred in a number of movies and TV commercials. You may have seen him on Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Deadpool, or in the Lynx ads.
Julian is not only a funny actor. He recently joined up with World Vision to be a 40 Hour Famine Ambassador. He traveled with World Vision to Uganda to meet some of the refugees from South Sudan who are living there. Check out this video.


  1. World Vision famine in 2020 is taking place over 5th-7th June - perhaps as a school or class you could all participate? You don't have to give up could be your device, showers or sleeping in a bed for 40hrs. Keep blogging Josaia...

  2. Hello Josaia,
    Amazing blog post! I really enjoyed reading this blog post! Let me elaborate on why I like it. Firstly, you explained who Julian Dennison is and what he does. Secondly, you linked the websites about the things that you talked about in this blog post! I would also do the 20-40 Hour Famine to help other people in need. Maybe next time you could add a bit more information about why you would join the 20-40 Hour Famine. Overall, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!


  3. Morena Josaia,

    What a beautiful and sunny day today! It sure has cleared up after a gloomy and overcast week. I can’t wait to finish work and hopefully spend a little bit of time in the sun.

    I too would like to participate in the 40 hour famine. It’s such a good cause and sometimes we don’t actually understand what hardships (severe suffering) people go through. By not eating for a long period of time it allows us to have some sort of understanding.

    I did not know of Julian Dennison before you mentioned him. Wow I have seen the Hunt for the Wilderpeople, what a great movie! Thank you for sharing all these facts with us, I know me and Vitaraag sure have learnt a lot. Are you going to participate this year? You should definitely try!

    Nga mihi,
